Åsa Hellman has a diverse background in the field of art. After studying art history at the University of Helsinki, she continued at the ceramics department of the University of Art and Design. This was followed by further studies in Amsterdam, Belgrade and London. In addition to her work as a ceramics artist, she has worked as a ceramics teacher at the University of Art and Design and art critics for Finnish and foreign newspapers, among others Hufvudstadsbladet.
Åsa Hellman's ceramics are in several significant museums both in Finland and abroad. Åsa's ceramics are dynamic, sculptural with a lovely color scheme. In her bold and playful glazes, mother-of-pearl, metals and clear complementary colors shimmer.
Åsa has its own lovely ceramic tile in a beautiful environment in Porvoo. The art tour visitor now has the opportunity to take part in her work process and get acquainted with the versatile and interesting production.