15.01.2024 hrs 09:00
It is now time for professional artists, craftsmen, and designers to submit their applications for the 2024 Konstrundan.The application period is 15.1-25.2.2024. The application form and more information can be found on www.konstrundan.fi.

During the first weekend in September, Sat-Sun 7-8.9.2024, the seventeenth Konstrundan is organised in Finland. Creatives all over Finland open their studios to the public.

Konstrundan aims to increase the understanding of Finnish contemporary art, handicrafts and design. In 2023, 347 artists from all over the country participated and a record number of visitors attended, totaling over 31,000 visits during the Konstrundan weekend.

As a participant, you get visibility, expand your networks, the opportunity for direct sales, and, above all, Konstrundan generates meetings with people interested in art.

"In times of global uncertainty, local networks can provide a sense of security. The same goes for art experiences. Konstrundan offers the public an opportunity to put a face on the people behind the artworks they admire and want to know more about. For the artist, Konstrundan is a concrete way to increase their clientele. By meeting artists and their artworks, spontaneous connections can form" says project manager Frida Gullichsen hopefully.

On Konstrundan's website, you can find all information regarding the application, what it means to participate in Konstrundan, and what happens at what time

Please spread the information about Konstrundan to creative actors in your networks!

NEW FOR 2024

New regional contact in the east of Finland

Konstrundan has a new regional contact in Eastern Finland. As of January 2024, Tiina Rajakallio, a jewellery artist living in Lappeenranta, will take over as the representative for Konstrundan participants in the East. 

Tiina Rajakallio is a jewellery artist and designer with an M.F.A. from the Konstfack university’s metal program in Stockholm. She is active in associations and projects in her field and for the last three years has been the president of Täky Ry, representing artisans of South-Eastern Finland. Rajakallio works full-time with jewellery and small series jewellery in her studio in Lappeenranta and exhibits her work internationally. 

She believes that Konstrundan is an excellent medium for the interaction between artists, craftspeople and the public. "It’s wonderful to be able to contribute to these encounters!"


Change of organiser for Konstrundan

Konstrundan is pleased to announce a change of organiser for the upcoming edition now in 2024. After careful consideration, the torch from Åbolands hantverksförening rf in Pargas will be passed on to Kulturföreningen Grand rf in Porvoo, which marks a new chapter for Konstrundan.

The decision to change organisers was a collaborative decision driven by internal discussions among the Konstrundan team members, which includes 6 regional contacts, a secretary, a project manager, and a 4-person strong steering group. The move is part of a broader initiative to introduce positive changes for both participants and the development of Konstrundan's ancillary events.

The move to Porvoo allows Konstrundan to centralise its work activities, improving teamwork and collaboration. Geographical considerations played a role, as face-to-face interactions become more feasible. Importantly, the change is in line with regional policy objectives, as Konstrundan wants to focus on strengthening its presence and collaborations. Not only this in Uusimaa, but also, for example, in Eastern Finland, with Konstrundan's new regional contact, Tiina Rajakallio, who is home from the region

Konstrundan expresses its gratitude to Åbolands hantverks förening rf and looks forward to continued co-operation in the name of Konstrundan!
